Monday, February 2, 2009

Text books, new notebooks... and I always manage to forget a pen

I started a new batch of classes today, including math, blah, Social Psycholoy, Sociology (Social Issues) and Spanish 4.

Well, actually, Spanish starts tomorrow. Anyway, so the same drill- buy textbooks, which in some cases cost me more than it did to enroll in the course, but new notebooks, etc.... and I get to class without a writing utensil.

As I scavenged through my purse looking for anything at all to write with, I realized I am such a mom. I had a diaper, hand sanitizer, band-aids, desitin, lollipops, a pack of fruit snacks, my iPod (which has Zeke's music on it), tissues, handi-wipes..... and the only writing utensil I could find was a pack of crayons from the kids meal at Olive Garden. Luckily, there aren't many notes to be taken the first day of classes.

My purse is like Mary Poppins' bag! Honestly, it isn't that big- so how is all that stuff in there. I suppose in this scenario, opting out of a diaper bag isn't always more convenient.

Le sigh, all is well. I am on a break between classes and I ran top the store and bought a pack of pens.

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