Friday, March 13, 2009


Exactly what is the plural of virus? Viruses, viri?

Anyway, my son has one. Ah, yes, vomit, fever, grumpy, absolutely pitiful ...and milking every moment of it. I find myself wondering, when did he learn this?

In his defense, he is quite ill. He's somehow managed to lose 4 pounds this week, a feat I can't even seem to accomplish in two weeks. So, now I'm trying to find a way to make chicken soup with three times the daily calorie intake, maybe I can beef him up.

Despite being miserable, hot one moment and cold the next, my child is being the sweetest little man. Cuddly, and smiling and whenever someone coughs he asks "ok?" But, by far today's events take the cake.

While at the Dr.'s office, Zeke was in a good mood. Smiling, giggling, all aspects of his flirty 2-year-old charm. The Pa was checking his throat.. and goosh... vomit all over her. I kinda snorted, I couldn't help but laugh. Of course, Zeke's response was, Oh nooooooooooo. Sorsy!!!! Oh nnnnnnooooooooooooooooooo.

It took a while to clean up and calm him down, but I wish I would have had a video camera. Oh, I love my child, vomit and all.


  1. oh that is gross, cute and hilarious wrapped up in one!!!! hehehehe. kids are so funny. and i'm glad you called HR, i told you they suck!!! it's bc they hire fresh out of school kids who couldn't get jobs at the better firms. once he files, you should get it super fast!!

  2. I hope your son feels better soon.

    And you haven't seen milking an ilness until you've witnessed my sister ill. First she says in a breathy sort of whisper, "Death is imminent" - then she spends the next few days trying to convince people to bring her stuff on trays and sit by her bed and read to her (which would be really cute if she was 3, but since she's 27, not so much) because "My head is so sore and I have to rest my eyes."
