As you may recall, I mentioned that my son has an attitude. Well, that attitude is disturbingly adorable.
Last night he woke up three or four times, which happens sometimes when he has nightmares. So, he woke up the third time, and said "Mommy, can I have warm milk 'peese'?" (mind you, my child is a year and 9 months old, so this sentence was astonishing). So, I get him his milk, and he drinks it, and then attempts (in his drunken warm milk stupor) to put his pacifier back in his mouth.. backwards. So I grab it to turn it around for him, and kid you not, he grabs my hand, looks me dead in the eye and says, "Let go Mommy!"
Huh???? He all of a sudden developed this ability to form sentences, let alone ones with attitude! What happened to my baby boy? I feel like he got so big so fast. In some ways, I feel like I never had a baby at all.... I came home with a preteen.
Alas, he has been using sentences all day, including trying to force me off the toilet this afternoon, saying "Mommy make food!"
Oh, and I felt colorful today.
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