My son officially has an attitude. And it's a big one.
Don't get me wrong, 99% of the time, he's one of those angelic and adorable children that tricks you into having another one! But oh boy, when he throws a fit it's CRAZY.
It started in November.... from then until earlier this month he had maybe two or three fits. Now he has atleast one a day. Is it horrible that he's so dramatic it makes me giggle, which just makes him angrier? He isn't even two yet, how bad does this get?
Everyone tells me, "Three is worse than two." Maybe it is, but I'm betting if I don't put up with the throwing fits nonsense now, it can't get too much worse. I'm at a loss for solutions, so I did what I saw on an episode of Supernanny; each hissy fit gets him one and a half minutes of time out (a minute for each year of age). It works pretty well, especially when he realizes he's being ignored.
In the meantime, today has been great so far.... no fits yet! (fingers crossed) My husband just started his job as a campus Police Officer at Towson University, and he's working midnight shift. Zeke is taking more time to get used to it than I am. So, when Nick got home from work this morning, we took a family walk in the neighborhood and visited our friends' horses. Now Nick's in bed, Zeke said "Night night" to Daddy, so we're going to go grocery shopping. Let's just hope that he stays hissy fit free for the remainder of the day, especially in the grocery store.
Don't get me wrong, 99% of the time, he's one of those angelic and adorable children that tricks you into having another one! But oh boy, when he throws a fit it's CRAZY.
It started in November.... from then until earlier this month he had maybe two or three fits. Now he has atleast one a day. Is it horrible that he's so dramatic it makes me giggle, which just makes him angrier? He isn't even two yet, how bad does this get?
Everyone tells me, "Three is worse than two." Maybe it is, but I'm betting if I don't put up with the throwing fits nonsense now, it can't get too much worse. I'm at a loss for solutions, so I did what I saw on an episode of Supernanny; each hissy fit gets him one and a half minutes of time out (a minute for each year of age). It works pretty well, especially when he realizes he's being ignored.
In the meantime, today has been great so far.... no fits yet! (fingers crossed) My husband just started his job as a campus Police Officer at Towson University, and he's working midnight shift. Zeke is taking more time to get used to it than I am. So, when Nick got home from work this morning, we took a family walk in the neighborhood and visited our friends' horses. Now Nick's in bed, Zeke said "Night night" to Daddy, so we're going to go grocery shopping. Let's just hope that he stays hissy fit free for the remainder of the day, especially in the grocery store.
I've worked with both two AND three-year-olds, and really cannot pinpoint which is worse. Two is tough because they really don't understand your logical reasoning. Three CAN be tougher because they are starting to understand, but ignore you anyway! Either way, they are so much fun at those ages that you both get over the tantrums soon enough =)