Monday, January 26, 2009

Birthdays ARE Important

My husband doesn't think birthdays are a big deal- if he had it his way they wouldn't exist. Seriously, the man didn't want our child to have a 1st birthday party last year, and one year he got me a toothbrush for my birthday.

I can't blame him, he had a really lame childhood... the only reason I know his birthday is because of our marriage license. But, I got him to like Christmas, so this year I tackled the birthday. It's kind of like re-teaching him how to have fun.

Simplicity- the quickest way to Nick's heart... other than the unmentionable way... is his stomach. So, I made him this ridiculous cake- he loves Reese's Cups. It's a Reese's Cup crusted cake. He ate three pieces! I have no clue how he isn't fat.

Then, I let him do whatever- no nagging involved. He got to use the good ole "it's my birthday, I can do what I want" line.

I'm not sure that it's normal to have to teach my husband to appreciate birthdays and stuff in the same way I would a child- it really is like teaching him how normal kids grow up. To his credit, he's a great dad in spite of not having an example.

Needless to say, he liked his birthday.... it might also be that I vowed I would never make this cake unless it was his birthday. I love when Nick is a happy camper.

****how to make this cake****

you need:
Devil's Food cake (from scratch or boxed, whatever you preference is)
2 things of Fudge icing
2 BIG bags of Reese's Cups
2 small cake pans, I used 4" square pans.

Bake the cake, make 2 layers. Chop the Reese's Cups into quarters (my aunt suggested after I made this cake that it'd be easier to freeze them, then chop them in a blender. make sure the piece are big and that they are thawed before assembling!) Make a thick layer of icing on top of the first layer, layer some Reese's chunks, then glop some icing on top so the 2nd layer will stick. Thickly ice the cake, then crust in Reese's mosaic style. Voila, it's delicious!

1 comment:

  1. That is the most ridiculously AWESOME cake I've ever seen. For reals.
    You made that? There's got to be 50 bucks worth of reese's on that thing!

    My husband's 30th bday is tomorrow and he normally loves birthdays. But this year, I think the idea of crossing into the 30 threshold has him freaked as he scheduled himself to stay at work late tomorrow. Damn him! He went and ruined my bday plans! But if I could find this cake.....

    Seriously, that's amazing.
